I'm a bad blogger...I decided to make the move to Wordpress with the Adventures of a Part Time Wheeler blog. There are things I like about both blogging platforms, and dislike about both platforms, but it is allowing me to organize my posts in a way that works better for my work/school/pain-addled brain right now. I'm hoping that I will be able to afford my own URL as well in the fall (likely www.parttimewheeler.com, or a similar derivation). It's still under construction, so don't mind the dusty bits.
Feel free to head over there and take a look. If you like what I'm writing, doing, accomplishing, I would love donations to my adaptive aid fund through GoFundMe or directly through Paypal. If you like how I write and want to hire me for editing work, check out the details here to get started (rates negotiable! Help a gimpy grad student pay her medical bills!).